Tycksen & Shattuck

Criminal Defense

Criminal defense law firm

Being charged with a crime can be one of the most difficult challenges a person can face in their lifetime. Our attorneys are here to answer all your questions and help you get the best possible outcome for your case. We have years of experience representing individuals charged with smaller misdemeanors and citations all the way up to large felony charges. It is our job to outline the strengths and weaknesses of your case so that you understand exactly where you stand in the eyes of the law and in court. We work as a team with our clients so that they never have to make the critical choices all on their own.

Experienced representation in a wide range of cases

Although each and every case and circumstance is unique our years of training and work allows us to represent our clients in the most effective and efficient way possible. We combine our teams trial and negotiation skills with a detailed understanding of court procedure, community treatment and counseling programs to ensure that all court mandated stipulations are legally meet. Below is a list of some of the general areas of criminal law that we handle on a regular basis.

  • DUI
  • Assault
  • Hit and run
  • shoplifting
  • Drug crimes and transportation
  • Money laundering
  • White collar crimes
  • Bank and loan fraud
  • internet crimes
  • Battery
  • Domestiv violence
  • Homicide
  • Manslaughter

Speak with a skilled criminal defense attorney today

We all make mistakes, don’t let the issue compound on itself by not having experience on your side. Contact our office today to discuss your criminal case with Tycksen and Shattuck LLC.