Tycksen & Shattuck


Utah alimony attorney

Alimony is a large part of a divorce and is something that can have large ramifications for the financial well-being of both parties. Depending on the circumstance and the willingness of the petitioner and respondent working together it can either be somewhat easily agreed upon or aggressively fought over. Alimony is sometimes referred to as spousal support and is generally something the court uses as a short term or long term solution to help ensure a person with less financial means receives the financial support they need during and potentially after the divorce. In a simple sense, it is designed to keep both parties living the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed to during the course of their marriage.

Obtaining an alimony judgment in Utah.

There are several factors that a judge will take into consideration when either awarding or denying alimony. Perhaps the largest factor that goes into awarding alimony is the length of the marriage. As a typical rule of thumb if the marriage lasted shorter than 4 years it is unlikely that an award will be granted since it will be fairly easy in most cases for either party to go back to the lifestyle they were living as a single individual. If the marriage is longer than that it is fairly likely that some sort of alimony will be granted, especially if one partner has the financial ability to pay, while the other partner cannot afford their current life expenses on the income they are currently able to produce.

Contacting a Utah alimony attorney

Each case and marriage are unique so it is difficult to know what to expect without speaking to a family law attorney. If you are considering a divorce and alimony is one of your concerns it is in your best interest to speak with an attorney at Tycksen and Shattuck LLC to discuss your case. We also invite you to visit the court’s website to learn more about how alimony is typically calculated in Utah. Call today at 801-748-4081.